HIST 2013 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ngo Dinh Diem, Geneva Conference (1954), Operation Rolling Thunder

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Document Summary

Ho chi minh: the dirty war 1946-1954. Ho chi minh"s soldiers make france look pathetic. Truman/eisenhower - us rejects minh"s attempt to gain independence from france and funds french fight because minh is a communist. Land owners are a problem to ho chi minh. Rich landowners use poor peasants to work their land. Domino theory: if a small country like vietnam is going to go communist then all the countries surrounding it will go communist and this will create a massive communist uprising. This was a miscalculation minh had no connections to other communist countries. Civil war in vietnam: ngo dinh diem"s corruption. All us funding going to diem"s people and not getting to vietnamese people. Hated by vietnamese people: diem terrible leader. Buddhist goes into square, pours gasoline on himself, lights himself on fire: national liberation front (vietcong) Buddhists and peasants band together against diem and begin to fight against him.