BMB 280- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 80 pages long!)

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4 exams: final in the class in not cumulative (100 points each). Consist of an aqueous solution of organelles, enclosed membrane, can create copies. Cell theory was articulated by schleiden, schwann, and virchow. Cells from different species share similar structure, composition, and metabolic features that have been conserved throughout evolution. Genes encode information to build each cell and the organism. Genes encode information for cellular reproduction, structure, and activity. Each daughter cells receives a complete set of genetic instructions. Cell size is limited by volume of cytoplasm that can be supported by the genes in the nucleus, volume of cytoplasm to absorb nutrients, ability to conduct diffusion. Distinguished by their size and type of organelles. Pro: 3. 7 billion years ago eu:2 billion years ago. Bacteria : found in soil, water, or associated with plants and animals sometimes causing disease. Archaea : survive extreme conditions such as temperature, salt, acidity, etc. more genetically similar to eukaryotes.