MUL 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Franz Liszt, Leitmotif, Relative Key

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Document Summary

Primary theme(s) - -subordinate theme(s) - - transiional material development. Recapitulaion coda relaive key symphony chamber music (duet, trio, quartet, etc. ) Alberi bass - concerto - cadenza -aria form - minuet, trio - - Variaion form - -theme and variaions -opera bufa - comic opera - opera seria serious opera importance of vienna composers: haydn, mozart, beethoven romanic period . Poland, liszt - hungary, smetanaczechoslovakia idee ixe . Berlioz themaic transformaion free form - symphony symphonic poem - scherzoconcerto - art song (lied/lieder) - schubert miniature character pieces: Italian opera verismo - libreto - rossini verdi german opera music drama - leitmoiv wagner - recitaive and aria great virtuosos of the romanic era: paganini, liszt,