CINE 230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Roboduck, Lawrence Lessig, Moschino

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Uo and i love my ducks : be familiar with some of the university of oregon "s trademarks: go ducks , oregon. Ducks , and civil war (co-owned with osu), track town , and win the day . Exclusive licensing agreement for nike for use of the stylized o on headwear and apparel. Other companies can write out o: have some knowledge about the oregon fighting duck mascot, its history, and our relationship with the walt disney company, as well as i love my ducks. Then weird roboduck for a sec then back to puddles disney owned the rights to the physical duck mascot that would appear at games etc until a couple years ago. I love my ducks-3 students make a song ft. The duck in the video->university stops them (bc disney could sue) but goes viral->2009 disney told uo duck is theirs.