INTL 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Negative And Positive Rights, Global Governance, Environmental Ethics

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Community, which finds expression in a variety of institutions within global civil society which already exist but which a global citizen is committed to develop and. Question 1 in our discussion of the challenging realm of global governance we identified one specific realm in which there has been significant integration and coordination. Identify this realm and describe the dynamics at work in it. Then identify the key ethical critiques of these dynamics. In the realm of global governance, there has been significant integration and coordination between global authority and global citizenship. Dower(cid:495)s notion outlines a global citizenship as (cid:498)belonging to and participating in a wider strengthen. (cid:499) (132). There is an all in, required action to being a global citizen, and in which nation states can participate; however it(cid:495)s primary function is to foster standards. As read in the article on a current development on the world bank, (cid:498)the power ultimately remains with the states, not with an international body(cid:499).