SOC 207- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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13 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Ex: infant mortality rate: premature black babies and infant mortality rates in america. 40% of babies born in cleveland hospital with a 70% of premature mortality rate being black babies. 7 out of 1,000 in us premature mortality rate. Find explanation for studied by asking question (macro societal problems) Enable us to grasp history and biology and the relationship between the two in society . Challenges basic impulses to see aspects of life as natural. Pushes for more active participation in the world. Able the assumption that things are not what they seem . Things to think about: immediate family, parent educational level, income, neighborhood/ community, education, employment, country of birth, historical period, historical period of birth, types of organizations available and accessed. Individual level prejudice exclusion by members of a majority group. Choice expressed by members of a minority group. 15% of minority group in neighborhood is limit for white people to live in neighborhood.