PSY 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 79 pages long!)

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Study human behavior, experimentation, study behavior and mind together, etc: what should psychologists focus on? (my current answer: helping others and shaping society to minimize psych problems in future) The science of mental life (james, 1890: psychology is the scientific study of behavior and the mind, psychology is a science. Asking questions that help to understand an individual can help to understand a person when coupled with observing their behavior: psychophysiology can fill in the gaps. Historical roots of psych - philosophy: socrates (470-399bce) - greek phil. The body, but not the mind, can be studied scientifically. The two only interact in the soul, which he defined as being located in the pineal gland: thomas hobbes (1588-1679, monism - entire human experience is made up of physical processes that emanate from the brain: Thoughts and feelings have their source in the brain.