GEY 3601 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prostate Cancer, Prostate, Dementia

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They fear that they will pee their pants in public or have to wear a they will become incontinent with age, b) is this true, c) explain diaper because of the weak sphincter muscle. This is true, incontinence is an age associated change that develops from many reasons. Uti"s, acute dementia, depression, stress and medications are causes that usually develop with age: excluding dementia, why is incontinence more common females then males. Women are more likely to develop uti"s because of the short urinary tract in which bacteria grows and weakens the muscle. Also institutional females who are not mobile have a higher increase of infection: a) what is the one gland in body that actually increases with age, b) is this always a concern? c) explain. Causes of prostate cancer are genetics and environment. There is a cultural implication for prostate cancer by having the results show that african.