SYG 2000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Concerted Cultivation, Max Horkheimer, Elite

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9 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Theodor adorno & max horkheimer(1930s-1950s)- key thinkers from the frankfurt school; argued that culture industry produced standardized goods through radio, tv, film that encouraged passivity among members of mass society. Uses a qualitative research method (ethnography) to theorize about influence of parenting on reproducing class position. Theorizes that middle class parent engage in concerted cultivation to groom children for success later in life. Also theorizes that working class/ poor parents practice natural growth parenting that implicitly teaches children to be cautious with social institutions and hences not as prepared for opportunities in a capitalistic society. Middle class children learn to develop and value sense of self. Participate in a variety of activities (gymnastic, soccer, summer camp) Activities improve skills to be better athletes, comfortable with adults, confidence conversation. Siblings are dragged out events for brothers/sisters. Working class children learn to entertain themselves, create their own games. Do not complain about being bored, inventive.