MICROM 410- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 82 pages long!)

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The microbial world- organisms 1 mm or smaller. Viruses are acellular and lack most of the hallmarks of living systems. A brief history of life on the planet. The earliest form of life found on earth are stromatolites, about 3. 5 - 3. 8 billion years ago. Layers: mineral deposited because of microbial activity and different types of bacteria. 2. 4 billion years ago - goe great oxygenation event caused by cyanobacteria. Oxygen will react with iron 2+ to form iron oxide, a precipitate. Nd it in the earth s mantle and crust. Phototrophic; began to produce oxygen as a by- product. Deinococcus radiodurans: can survive doses of radiation, 3000 times the lethal dose for humans. 1665- robert hooke- (20x) - plant tissue cells . Suggested all living things were made of these. Ne lenses for 100x looked at plaque, rain/pond water, bacteria, protazoa, red blood cells. Aristotle - inanimate matter spontaneously gave rise to life.