CMN 120 Midterm: CMN 120 - Midterm 2 Reading Notes Study Guide

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8 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Use of jsdq as a factor in low correlations between disclosure & various. We should focus more on our willingness to disclose & depend on who. Questions from readings: how is culture related to self-disclosure? (important findings) Americans disclose more information about themselves & make friends easily, but do not develop highly intimate friendships. Germans do not disclose much information about themselves, but do become more intimate with few ppl. Hypothesis that germans disclose more than americans to a close friend of same/opposite sex was not supported: how is personality related to self-disclosure? (important findings) No real conclusive findings to link self-disclosure and personality personality traits. Possibility of positive correlation between extraversion (personality) & self-disclosure, but still contradictory findings about this. Social exchange theory = costs & rewards of a relationship (different from economic exchange) Self interests & interdependence self-interests parties" profits. Interdependence theory = about the control of resources in a relationship.