ECS 201A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Very Long Instruction Word, Superscalar Processor, Basic Block

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We also talked about two other approaches - what were they? (6) (2) out of order completion makes supporting what very dif cult? (7) (2) decoupled architectures split a program into two streams. Why not just fabricate one huge die per wafer? (12) (3) the book lists several things that limit the amount of achievable ilp. List 3 of them. (13) (4) understanding the hardware can in uence how you write programs. Give at least 2 examples of how you might write software differently for a heavily pipelined machine verses a non-pipelined one. Why is there a desire to create larger ones? (16) (3) there are at least two types of control ow changes that standard dynamic branch predictors have trouble with. Brie y explain why, and give three different techniques that can be used to provide precise inter- rupts. Superscalar, coarse mt, ne mt, and smt? (20) (6) compare and contrast superscalar and vliw.