LIN 1 Midterm: PSC 154 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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22 Mar 2017

Document Summary

A healthy perspective really is the foundation of joy and happiness, because the way we see the world is the way we experience the world. Dr. viktor frankl said that our perspective toward life is our final and ultimate freedom. Our perspective literally has the power to keep us alive or to cause our death. They involve steeping back, within our own mind, to look at the bigger picture and to move beyond our limited self-awareness and our limited self-interest. Every situation we confront in life comes from the convergence of many contributing factors. We must look at any given situation or problem from the front and from the back, from the sides, and from the top and the bottom, so from at least six different angles. With a wider perspective, we can see our situation and all those involved in a larger context and from a more neutral position.