PSC 168 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, Sexual Sadism Disorder, Premature Ejaculation

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1 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Strong desire to be of alternative gender. Transvestic disorder - cross dressing for sexual thrill (paraphilia) Problems with sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, pain during sex. Can be life-long or acquired (primary or secondary) Dsm-v requires a min duration of 6 months. Symptoms cause distress or dysfunction in everyday life. Disorders w/ lack of sexual interest, excitement, or arousal. Sexual aversion disorder (category removed in dsm-v) Disorders w/ pain during intercourse or penetration (in females) For problems w/ desire, arousal, orgasm, pain, anticipatory anxieties. Def: sexual attractions to inappropriate people or objects that are harmful to either the individual or other. Intense and recurrent sexual urges or faniasies involving nonhuman objects, non-consenting people, or suffering and humiliation and there are harmful consequences of these desires and behaviors for either the individual or others. Strong sex drive, inordinate amount of time spent with sex-related fantasies or activities (like a sex addiction) Onset - start early, usually in adolescence.