ASIANAM 50 Study Guide - Final Guide: Herero And Namaqua Genocide, Indentured Servant, Blackbirding

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Macro & local levels of social analysis: local. A. 2. what they see and what they try to interpret. A. 1. colonialism: involves the direct administration of a conquered people. Spain, portugal: they would be joined by the united provinces of netherlands, great britain, and france. Imperialism: similar model to that of former empires. Great britain in 18th and early 19th centuries. A. 3. late 19th and early 20th centuries (a. 2. c. 1) (a. 2. c. 2) Fights a war against russia and beats them. (a. 3. c. 1) wwi germany lost all its colonies. Profit and the colonies: direct settlement of overseas territory. Mining, plantations growing cash crops: make use of labor of local peoples. Conscription: order by colonial officials to work on a certain project for a certain amount of time. Taxes: had to pay in the currency of the colonial power. (c. 2. a. 1) were not done to raise money for colonial. C. 2. b) administration but to get people to to do things for them.