[BIO SCI 9A] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 111 pages long Study Guide!

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Nutrition the scientific study of nutrients, chemicals that are used in food that are necessary for life and how the body uses them: the science that links foods to health and disease. Food products derived from plant or animal sources that can be taken into the body to yield energy and nutrients for maintenance. Avoid edible food-like substances: i. e. food that look like food but give very little nutritional values. Diet typical pattern of food choices (i. e. the beverages and goods a person drinks and eats) The quality of a person"s diet affects chronic diseases risk. Satiety: no longer a desire to eat, regulated by the brain, leptin. Hormones compound secreted into blood by one cell that acts to control another cell: some hormones stimulate hunger. Neuropeptide y, endorphins, ghrelin: some hormones produce a feeling of satiety. Energy the capacity to do work: energy in food is chemical energy, the body converts this energy to mechanical, electrical, heat.