BIO SCI N166 Quiz: Review Quiz 1

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Cell apoptosis - leaves not inflammatory response that could injure other neurons. Ethanol dcreases new cell production in teens and adults. Pcp also acts as antagonist on nmda receptors --> induce apoptosis as. Csf - in hydropcephalus csf is blocked and pressure in skull increases. Meassles in gut injure gut an drelease toxins i brain. Anticipatory compensatry response helps to maintain stead state. Craving to get person to get drug to stop compensatory. -> drug deliery without drug admin slows delveopment of tolerance. Methodone woear form of opiod + opiod antagonist reduce illicit drug use. When brain experiences seizures or hypoxia --> neuronal loss only if there are adrenal glands --> increase in glu --> bind to nmda receptors which increase intracellular calcium --> high intracellular calcium --> calcium preotaeas e which destoryes nerons. Da depletion can make it difficutl to experience pelassure\ Alcohol benzodiazepines, traniquilizers act as stress relief by inhibiting neurons in amygdala where emtoional events are processed.