CHEM H2C- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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13 Oct 2017

Document Summary

15. 2 rates of reaction and the particulate nature of matter: chemical rxn can be seen as a collision between particles, rate at which rxn occurs depends on, concentration of the reacting particles. The structure & relative orientation of the reacting particles: the concentration of the reactant particles, greater # of particles in a given volume --> greater # of collisions per unit time. Rate of rxn depends on concentration of particles: the temperature of the reactant mixture, chemical rxns occur faster w/ increasing temp, many particle collisions occur at high temps. Avg kinetic energy of a gas increases w/ increasing temperature: the structure and orientation of the colliding particles. Ex: h2(g) + i2(g) --> 2hi(g: [h2]t2 = hydrogen concentration at time t2, [h2]t1 = hydrogen concentration at time t1. Instrumental techniques: gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, wet chemical techniques: titration. Rate of rxn is independent of the concentration of the reactant.