COMPSCI 122A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Due Date, Database Design, Parse Tree

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Cs 122a: introduction to data management spring 2020. Due date: mon, may 4 (11:00 pm pdt) All hw assignments should contain both your student id and your name and must be submitted online (e. g. , 12345678_john_doe. pdf) via the hw4 dropbox on gradescope . See the table below for the hw 4 submission opportunities. Note that after 11 pm on tuesday the 5 th no further hw 4 submissions will be accepted. (we will be releasing the solution at that time. ) Please strive to get all your work in on time! If possible, try to save the one dropped assignment for the end of the term when you are most likely to want/need it. Shopalot. com has officially launched its business; the web site is up and running and starting to attract usage. As expected, your database design is working well so far! Now it"s time to search and analyze the data using the relational algebra.