CRM/LAW C10 Midterm: Medical Sociology Midterm 1

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The exam will be worth 100 points and constitutes 25% of the course grade. Midterm examination study questions: historical attempts to understand the relationship between social behavior and health focused on instincts, magic, and religion: Modern medicine and regulation of the body began in the 18th century. Medicine of the species: emphasis on classifying diseases, diagnosing and treating patients and finding cures. Medicine of social spaces: concerned with preventing disease especially through government involvement in matters of public hygiene. Describe the three models of health and social behavior which are operating in modern society. Focus of western medicine such as cause, course and cure: traditional medical model. Also focuses on medical technology and clinical medicine. Germ theory of disease, magic bullets : uncovered the cause of a host of diseases such as tetanus. Biomedical approach: every disease has a specific pathogenic cause best treated by removing or controlling that cause.