DANCE 3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Autonomic Nervous System, Nutrient, Nutrient Density

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9 May 2016

Document Summary

Exam 1 study guide: scientific concepts of health spring 2016 - thursday 4/28: messina-kleinman. Last update: 4/23/16 6:30 pm - you may want to download a word document or use file" > Make a copy to get started, but remember to check back for updates. Remember to pick up a couple of the red and white f-288 scantrons before. Thursday 4/28. (you will need two this quarter. ) They must be completely flat and not bent, creased, or frayed in any way. You will also need to bring your uci photo id. If it is faded or doesn"t look like you, then also bring a valid state-issued photo id. You are responsible for understanding and following the procedures outlined in this document. Exam 1 will cover chapters 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14. Emphasis on chapters: 1, 2, 12, 13. Class lectures and slides (go to canvas files ) Videos, including skinny on obesity series (dr. lustig), harvard"s healthy eating plate,