[HISTORY 40A] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (74 pages long!)

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Search for funds: king of portugal, diaz voyage, king and queen of spain (isabella and ferdinand, landing. Born in italy (1541), aware of the theories of navigation and keen sense of trade winds. Simple idea -- search for a sea route to the indies. Meaning -- get to japan, china, thailand -- by sailing west. Were virtually naked and had fine physiques etc. Columbus: how easy it would be to convert these people and make them work for us. Columbus interpreted the grounding of the santa maria as a sign from god -- start a colony. He added a prologue later, after the journey . Said that he is to discover and acquire certain islands and mainlands . They gave him the right to call himself viceroy and governor general of lands he found. His behavior not what a peaceful ambassador would do invading a powerful country (planting the flag) Encounters 1: lessons in interpreting history (1) inca empire.