[HUMAN 1B] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (52 pages long)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

The indigenous people: americans, andeans, etc: 15th century ~ early 16th century: inca empire ruled, inca = king or the incan empire. Terms: colonial vs. conquest, andes: big mountain range, machu picchu: old peak, quechua: language of the incas still spoken today, inca empire and inca rulers, peru (colombia, ecuador, bolivia, argentina, chile) How the spanish conquered the incas: myths of conquest which emphasize white/european superiority over indigenous people, argument: spanish myths of conquest justified their conquest and empire. Counter the myths of spanish conquest: myth #1: incas and andeans thought that the spanish were gods, they did call the spanish viracochas. Primary source: jos de acosta (1590) (page 116 of matthew restall: secondary source): Two of these viracochas were brought to my uncle atahuallpa [and] he received. Primary source: titu cusi yupanqui (inca) (1570) them very well. ]/ este oro comemos [this is the gold we eat.