PHILOS 2- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 168 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Basics of the class: need an i-clicker, main assignments for class will be midterm (10/31, will put out practice exams and study guides o o. Participation in lectures and attendance in discussion sections will count towards grade. Can miss up to 3 lectures from week 3 on without penalty. Main topics covered: nature of arguments and paradoxes, will help you think critically in everyday life. Issues that arise in thinking and overview in philosophical thinking. Paradoxes of space and time: motion, time real or not real, and time travel. Same person over time what does it mean. What does it mean to call belief rational. Paradox - unacceptable conclusion derived from apparently acceptable reasoning from apparently acceptable premises (sainsbury 2009) Paradox is an argument which has : o o o. It is impossible for there to be a valid argument which has true premises and a false conclusion.