PSY BEH 101D Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Binge Drinking, Arson, Masturbation

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Exam #2 study guide part 1 (book only) (childhood and adolescence) Growth: challenges associated with maintaining proper nutrition (weight, deficiencies, allergies: nutrition, 2-6 yr olds may be at greater nutritional risk than children of any other age because they eat too much of the wrong foods. Infant and early-childhood malnutrition contributes to 1/3 of all child deaths and slows later growth, including growth of the brain: overweight. Effects of environmental hazards (including lead: realistic assessment of risk is aided by the prefrontal cortex, which doesn"t fully mature until adulthood. > preoperational answer: the taller one: young children fail to understand conservation because they focus (center) on what they see (appearance), noticing only the immediate (static) condition. If an adult intended to accomplish something and succeeded, a child is likely to follow the example. It then occurs to them that people can be deliberately deceived or fooled an idea that requires some theory of mind: e. g.