PSY BEH 101D Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Cognition, Social Inequality, Old Age

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When studying material from the textbook, please use the outlines at the beginning and the review-connect-reflect, reach-your-learning-goals sections and key terms and key people at the end of the chapters as a study guide. Know key terms, key people, and key theories associated with lifespan developmental psychology. Development is lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, multidisciplinary, contextual, and has plasticity. Systematic: changes with endurance; not just fluctuations; should encompass both growth and decline. For example learning to walk (increase in adaptive capacity) or memory loss (decline in adaptive capacity) Development period: time frame in a person"s life that is characterized by certain features (2) normative age graded influences vs normative history graded influence vs. Normative age graded: influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group. These influences include biological processes such as puberty and menopause. Normative history graded influences that are common to people of a particular generation because of historical circumstances.