PSY BEH 11B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 53 pages long!)

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In reality though, both statements tend to trail towards false now. Assumption: learning results from study: experiments studying the learning of complex materials are typically structure, ex: large word lists. Implicit assumptions: learning occurs during study periods, tests are merely assessment tools, scoring yourself based on how well you studied earlier. The testing effect: actually has learning effects that might be stronger than studying, not only assesses what we know, but changes it. Does testing help retain material: another experiment, 250 word passage, 6 conditions, study, break a bit, [given time] then study again, either 5 mins, 2 days and 1 week, then given test, results. If only five minutes in between, did better than if just studying and studying and then testing: studying non-stop only works in very very short term. Retention plays important role in improving memory for material.