STATS 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Test Statistic, Multiple Choice, Western United States

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15 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Final exam score: the factor, and the number of levels it has. Teaching method, 3 levels: whether the factor is fixed or random. (you do not need to explain your answer. ) Statistics 110/201, fall 2017 lecture b, final exam. Your exam should have 7 pages and an appendix with r output, handed out separately. Each part of each problem is worth 4 points unless specified otherwise. Use the back of the pages if you need more space, but tell us to turn the page over and look. The following scenario is for questions 1 to 8. R output is contained in the separate appendix. College departments often run multiple offerings of the same introductory course each quarter. An experiment is conducted during a particular quarter in which students are randomly assigned to one of three versions of the same course, all held at the same time, but each using a different method of teaching.