BSC 1005- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Document Summary

B iology: s cientific s tudy of life. O rganis ms : any living creature, either unicellular or multicellular. unicellular: bacteria (pl. ) B acterium (s ingle) multicellular: plants , humans . A ls o different kinds of cells with different functions make up thes e organis ms ) C las s ified bas ed on nutrition. T axon (plural t axa): a group of organis ms . (s pecies ) O rganis ms that feed on other organis ms . A toms : s malles t unit of an element. molecule (d na , protein): atoms joining other atoms . ex. C ell: s malles t unit of life. C an s urvive on its own, or live and reproduce as part of a multicelled organis m. T is s ue: organiz ed array of cells that interact in a collective tas k. B lood tis s ue, mus cle tis s ue.