Mar 3023 Study Guide - Final Guide: Brand Equity, Advertising Campaign, Sales Promotion

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A theory that suggests that ___ percent of heavy users account for ___ percent of the total demand. Recent research suggests that over ___% of consumers search for and purchase a low-priced product using an in-store shopping app or online search engine. ___% of consumers researching products through online sources learned about a specific brand or retailer through social media networking sites. Nonpersonal promotional communication about goods, services, or ideas that is paid for by the firm identified in the communication. A collection of coordinated advertisements that share a single theme. A promotion mix budgeting strategy in which firms set their promotion budget based on what they believe they can afford. Typically involve paying retailers for financial losses associated with consumer sales promotions or reimbursing a retailer for an in-store or local expense to promote a product. Involves meeting the prospect and learning more about his or her needs and wants.