SYP 4550 Midterm: Drugs Exam Review

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Document Summary

Master status: dominant in setting//teacher in classroom//wife at home. Culture: nonmaterial culture: learned via socialization and assumes that their culture is normal, norms: expectations of behavior is attached. Sociological imagination: the ability to see the connections between our personal lives and the social world: our lives are shaped by social factors. Interest groups shape drug policies: symbolic interactionism theory, people develop self concepts based on their interactions with others, culturally defined, drug use, bad symbolic meaning . Either bad, dangerous, criminal or sick: may affect self concept. Goffman: dramaturgy: social life is a series of performances . Front stage: the ideal and desired side shown to everyone. Back stage: the real and private side shown to no one or to few. Typologies of use: legal instrumental, illegal instrumental, legal recreational, illegal. Drug effects: identity, dose, potency, purity, setting, route of administration (needle, nose, mouth), habituation, mixing (to increase intensity), set (psychological)