EE BIOL 116- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Utilizes principle and findings from the basic sciences: biology, ecology, evolution, Social sciences: once we have a plan, how do we implement it; sociology, anthropology, Wolves had a bad rep; they were eliminated early on in the 1920s. Incorporates principles from a wide variety of disciplines to best preserve biodiversity; Use genes to track movements of individuals. Microbiome projects: definition of conservation biology. A synthetic field that incorporates principles from a wide variety of disciplines to best preserve biodiversity draws upon all the basic sciences and the humanities; psychology; requires action and management; economics; sociobiology; philosophy; etc. genetics, biogeography, geology, chemistry. Conservation biology: endangered species management, reserve design, ecological economics, restoration ecology, ecosystem conservation, environmental ethics economics, policy, environmental law, philosophy. Principles, plans, implementation (basic sciences, conservation biology, social sciences) Example: yellowstone national park: the problem of resource management. Policy of fire suppression led to devastating 1988 fire. Leading to destruction and problems to habitat.