PSYCH M107 Study Guide - Final Guide: Model Minority, Okcupid, Stereotype Threat

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22 Mar 2017
PSYCH 107 / AAS 117 Final Exam Study Guide
Lecture 7: Stereotypes
What is the Princeton Trilogy?
Why do we stereotype (3 reasons)?
Why is stereotyping a problem (3 reasons)?
What are descriptive vs. prescriptive stereotypes?
o How are stereotypes used as a form of social control?
o Explain Fiske’s study.
What does Steele have to say about stereotype threat?
o How do stereotypes about Asians being good at math and women being bad at
math affect different groups of people in the studies conducted?
o What is the model minority stereotype?
o Explain Shih, Pittinsky, and Ambady’s study.
o Explain Cheryan and Bodenhausen’s study.
o What does Armenta say regarding vulnerability to stereotype threat?
What is the perpetual foreigner stereotype?
o What are the psychological effects of “foreigner objectification” (Armenta)?
Lecture 8: AA as the Model Minority (MMS)
What is the model minority stereotype?
o What are the implications that the model minority stereotype has?
o What is the history of the stereotype?
Explain the Contact Theory study at UCLA (Van Laar et al)
How might the stereotype lead to negative attitudes towards AA’s (Maddux’s studies)?
How are AA college students vulnerable to MMS?
o Explain the Yoon and Lau study.
Why does the stereotype persist (Okazaki et al)?
Lecture 9: AA and Prejudice, Racism, and Discrimination
Define the following:
o Prejudice
What types of prejudice are there?
o Racism
Explain the Iceberg principle.
o Discrimination
What are the theoretical perspectives of why prejudice, racism, and discrimination exist
and why they are so powerful?
o Social Cognition
o Group Processes
o Social ID Theory
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