[SPAN 44] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 161 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Do all the readings assigned before going to lecture, they are on the ccle website. Separated into folders for the specific lecture. No books to buy everything is online. Readings will be discussed in more detail. The lecture for tuesday of this week will not be on the midterm. Prompt will be based around a problem. Eg: chose 3 text in relation to the problem and develop your thoughts on it. Will focus on concepts that are important and that have affected the content. This is what we will focus on the whole quarter. So we will be looking at a broad of what latin american culture means. Post revolutionary mexico murals display political actions. October 13th we will watch a movie in class: embrace of the serpent. Film production and experimentation was well developed and important in areas such as; argentina, brazil, mexico, brazil, cuba. Hip hop is looked at to see the dynamics in youth and ethnic identification.