STATS 13 Midterm: STATS 13 - Term Test 1

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17 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Introduction to statistical methods for life and health sciences. Chapter 3. 3: 2sd and theory-based confidence intervals for a single mean. Chapter 3. 4: factors that affect the width of a confidence interval. Describe how to use coin toss to simulate outcomes for chance model. Chance models are used to generate data from random processes. What the scenario and outcome would be like if the experiment results happened by chance only. If the chance model matches your experimental results, your alternative hypothesis (what you are trying to support/prove) would not be supported. For example, it is used to determine whether or not the dolphin buzz (from last lecture) is simply guessing or actually communicating with doris. Use parallels between coin flip and the dolphin study. Coin flip is a simple and valid parallel because buzz is choosing between 2 options. Make a scenario, the parameters are up to the researcher to decide and set. One set of 16 simulated attempts by buzz.