HDFS 1070 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Apache Hadoop, Metacognition, Endorphins

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HDFS 1070 EXAM #1
September 9th, 2015
Developmental/Contextualism: Bio-ecological principles
What is a theory?
an explanation for something that we observe
observe -> theorize -> research
always multiple theories
cognitive development
emotional development
Life Span Developmental Theory: explain the uniqueness of individuals
nature (genetics) vs. nurture (environment)
mutual influence (genetics influences social environment and vice versa)
ex: preconceived notions parents have about their newborns based
on sex (females = cute, males = big, strong)
environment changes genetics/biological traits
ex: obesity = higher risk of diabetes -> higher risk of heart problems
-> shorter life
Developmental/Contextual Theory on Life Span
potential for growth exists in all aspects of life
continuity and change: Epigenetic Principle
earlier developments serves as a foundation for later
not predetermined
probabilistic - change is possible
Importance of Context (environment)
Context is Grounded in Time: history is always filtering in our lives
civil rights: 90 year old different than newborn experience
Factors that shape the trajectory of development over the entire life course
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3 basic factors
1. Individual Contributions (weight, height, sex, body type)
2. Environmental Contributions (products that change your look)
3. Time (historical, family history, chronological age, family life
Individual Contributions (genetics and the Trajectory of Development)
“Construction of Reality”
meta-cognition: thinking about your thinking
realizations that change your reality
reflections change how you potentially experience your
September 4th, 2015
environment contributions to the trajectory of development
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system
1. macro-system
influenced by cultural values
unique within culture
creates opportunities and difficulties
individualism vs. collectivism
responsibility on individuals
ex: parents provide for kids
culture takes responsibility
ex: universal health care
United States = more individualistic
2. exo - system
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we’re all influenced by the policies and practice in major
economic, religious institutions
family policy
ex: women can’t divorce
influence children’s quality of life
influence view of relationships
representatives in major institutions shape your
3. micro - system
relationship you have with people in your life
significant others
teachers, friends, coaches, parents
hate math = bad math teachers
4. meso - system
different systems react with another
federal government => school policy => your life
historical events that occur over time and the events that we
experience personally over time
both have an impact on the trajectory of development
each system => pressured by events in history
cohort = group of people born in a particular era
What events influence cohorts?
1. normative history - graded event
major historical events that permeates all aspects of
ex: climate, new technology, 9/11
2. normative socio - cultural graded events
different kinds of social events
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Document Summary

An explanation for something that we observe. Life span developmental theory: explain the uniqueness of individuals. Mutual influence (genetics influences social environment and vice versa) Ex: preconceived notions parents have about their newborns based on sex (females = cute, males = big, strong) Ex: obesity = higher risk of diabetes -> higher risk of heart problems. Potential for growth exists in all aspects of life. Earlier developments serves as a foundation for later developments. Context is grounded in time: history is always filtering in our lives. Civil rights: 90 year old different than newborn experience. Factors that shape the trajectory of development over the entire life course. Time (historical, family history, chronological age, family life events) Individual contributions (genetics and the trajectory of development) Reflections change how you potentially experience your reality. Environment contributions to the trajectory of development. Creates opportunities and difficulties individualism vs. collectivism. We"re all influenced by the policies and practice in major institutions.