HDFS 2001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Relativism, Enculturation, Gender Identity

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Family studies: diversity contexts influence family related issues such as , values and attitudes: what"s important family: nuclear/extended; religion, number of children: boy children vs. female; lgbt, courtship patterns: family influences; arranged marriages; jewish; Catholic; race, ethnicity; sexual orientation; socioeconomic backgrounds: spousal interactions: working wife; leadership role, parent-child interactions: discipline; independence; interdependence. Common objections to inter-diverse marriages: concern about disapproval from family members, safety and well being concerns, problems children may have, concern about economic future. Differences: cultural differences: worship, foods, music, holidays, meaning and values placed on differences, difference and power dynamics, social stratification ranking of categories of people in a hierarchy, rankings, judging leads to stereotyping and inequality. Defined by our sense of social construction: target- they are, advantaged-we are, aggressive, stingy, ambitious, frugal, money-hungry, entrepreneurial, exclusive, clannish, discriminating, loyal, different, strange, odd, unique, individual, clever, shrewd, intelligent, unethical, cheats, doing business, stiff-necked, stubborn, independent. Abc: stereotyping (cognitive) stereotypes involve generalizations about the.