HDFS 2300- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 96 pages long!)

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Individual psychological development (erikson: family, systematic or patterned changes of the systems rather than individuals, the way that individuals develop obviously impacts how families interact, development triggered by. Herbst about what we value: law and policy, until recently, same sex couples were not allowed to marry. Ideals change over time: parents today expected to be there for your games, competitions, etc. Etc: multilinear: life course/life span perspective, highway with intersections, there are a lot of ways that people get through their lives there are commonalities, but not the same. Types of boundaries within families: closed/rigid boundaries. 12:29 pm: system, how the individuals within a family work together to make up a group, environment, everything surrounding the system (school, work, neighborhood, etc. , places, institutions, groups, etc. that impacts how a family system functions, subsystems. Individual parts of the system that can stand alone.