MCB 2610 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cell Envelope, Mesophile, Anaerobic Respiration

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Metabolically versatile: known to grow on up to 100 different carbon sources, used for bioremediation: can be grown in diesel and jet fuel, forms biofilms, also causes corrosion. Discovered in 1882 carl gessard: investigated water soluble pigments, secretes a number of pigments. Highly opportunistic pathogen of humans, animals, plants, and invertebrates: commonly affects burn patients, cystic fibrosis patients, and aids patients with 40-50% mortality. If colonization occurs in critical body organs, such as the lungs, urinary tract, and kidneys, results can be fatal. Found on and in medical equipment, including catheters. Can cause ear infections, pulmonary infections, uti, blood infections, septic shock. Naturally resistant to a number of antibiotics and disinfectants due to resistant factors and low permeability of the cell envelope. Some strains form a capsule, which allows colonization of the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients and is responsible for the difficulty to eradicate it.