NURS 3234 Study Guide - Final Guide: General Anaesthesia, Anesthesiologist, Foley Catheter

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Outline: pre-operative care, post-operative care, professional communication, cancer, spirituality. Peri-operative phases: pre-op: patient & surgeon mutually agree that surgery is required. Phase ends when patient goes to or: post-op: starts at pacu admission & ends with complete recovery back to nl loc/function. Intra-operative: occurs from entry to or suite until patient is transferred to pacu, recovery room. Iii = extended care environment needs more observation or interventions after transfer or discharged to a rehab center: may not be allowed to drive home after. Pre-op patients have special vulnerabilities: due to the nature of surgical treatment, and the accompanying anesthesia, surgical patients have a unique need for nursing services. In surgery, an extreme treatment, the patient turns many self-protective functions over to the nurse for a brief time. Time is very important in this role, as change can occur quickly requiring accurate and rapid assessment of the patient by the nurse.