SOC 152A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Flashlight, Female Genital Mutilation, Clitoris

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25 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Be sure to do all reading and check the course guides for test questions. 5 short answer (only answer 4/5) - worth 24 points. Be sure not to miss anything, to get all points you must go above and beyond. Box 2. 1: (society, values, and the law) - female genital cutting. Female circumcision: any of several forms of ritual cutting or excision of parts of the female genitalia; genital mutilation. Perceived to have religious significance most specifically in islamic cultures. Sunnah: least invasive, removal of clitoral hood -- very similar to male circumcision. Clitoridectomy: excision; entire clitoral glans, shaft and portions of inner labia are removed. Infibulation: most invasive; entire clitoris, inner lips, and most of outer lips removed; two outer labia are sewn shut to only leave a small opening for menstruation and urination and cover the vestibule. Very controversial and dangerous -- done to prevent sexual activity before or outside of marriage.