PSYC 1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stereotype Threat, Prenatal Development, Classical Conditioning

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19 Jan 2018
1. What are Piaget’s stages of deelopet?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperational
c. Concrete
i. Operational
d. Formal
i. Operational
2. What are the stages of prenatal development?
a. Germinal stage
b. Embryotic stage
c. Fetal stage
3. What is accommodation?
a. Creating a new mental schema to fit a new concept.
4. What is assimilation?
a. Squeezing information into pre-existing mental schema.
5. Research has demonstrated that Bonobos can learn the meaning of plastic symbols
without any explicit training.
6. What are the two major types of learning?
a. Non-associative
i. Habituation and sensitization
b. Associative
i. classical, operant, complex
7. What is classical conditioning and who researched it?
a. A basic form of learning in which one stimulus or event predicts the occurrence
of another stimulus or event. Pavlov
8. What is operant conditioning and who studied it?
a. Maipulatig the oseuees of a ogais’s ehaio i ode to see hat
effect they had on subsequent behavior. Skinner
9. Zoe watches her older sister slip on ice and get hurt. After that Zoe is very careful
he she alks o ie. This is a eaple of…
a. Observational Learning
10. Whe Joa first oed to the it, she ould’t sleep eause if the traffi oise. No
she hardly hears the traffic at all. This is an example of.
a. Habituation
11. Crystalized intelligence is defined as the knowledge a person has already acquired.
12. What does IQ stand for?
a. Intelligence Question
13. What as the ai fidig of Steele’s ork?
a. Stereotype threat- the threat associated with being at risk for confirming a
negative stereotype of oe’s goup.
14. What tpes of itelligee ere proposed  Stererg’s triarhi theor?
a. Analytic
b. Practical
c. Creative
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