MMW 11 Final: Study Guide for Final.docx

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Indus valley civilization- 19th century was when this was discovered. Ganges, the two cities in this civilization were mohenjo-daro and harappa, this was located in. Punjab and pakistan, culture disappeared some believe by deforestation or change in climate or change in flow of river, larger than egypt and mesopotamia, no evidence of political organization, Indo-european- people who migrated from the european area and came to india, aryans were considered indoeuropean, Vishnu-he was in the mahabharata, he was the preserver of the world who intervened frequenty on behalf of virtuous individuals, rama was an incarnation of vishnu, main vedic god, Upanishads taught each person participates in a larger cosmic order and forms small part of the universal soul, brahman, the eternal unchanging reality that transcends worldly existence. Ultimate goal - escape cycle of birth and rebirth into illusionary world and enter the brahman.