MMW 14- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 26 pages long!)

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Protestant reformation encouraged the pursuit of wealth. Early colonialism provided eu with raw materials and markets. Eu science was more advanced than elsewhere. Habsburg- holy roman empire to habs- central europe, replaced by new ethic and nazi. Ottoman- spread across middle east and eastern eu. Overseas in new world- sp, port, dutch, fr, br. Absolute monarchy constitutional monarchy republic. Br: incremental democracy and continuity of monarchy. The rise and fall of the ottoman empire. Germany, london, etc, didn"t want ottoman/sick man to die; but ru did. Sick man of eu 1299- 1922 (another name for ot emp) (oe often referred to as turkey) Loss of serbia = beginning of end for oe. By end of wwi was basically only turkey (core state) Persia and india also lost autonomy btw. Battle of lepanto 1571 : turkish fleet defeated by sp. Sp has stronger armada/navy and oe is no longer competing in competition of.