PSYC 7 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence, Longitudinal Study, Frontal Lobe

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Chapter 10 cognitive development in young & middle adulthood: emerging adulthood, what is emerging adulthood? a. i. A relatively new term referring to the period when people are not adolescents but are not fully adults: role transitions b. i. New responsibilities and duties that mark movement into the next developmental stages: rites of passage c. i. Rites of passage are important rituals marking initiation into adulthood (college graduation or marriage) however other cultures rituals are more defined and change little with time: behavioral changes d. i. Could be because of edgework or because of a developed frontal cortex d. i. 2. a. Living on the boundary between life and death in physically or psychologically risky situations d. ii. Erikson"s 6th stage is that intimacy involves creating a shared identity with another d. ii. 1. a. Need a strong sense of one"s identity to achieve: financial independence intimacy e. i. Gained earlier for high school graduates and later for college graduates: cognitive development, memory decline: recall vs. recognition a. i.