ANTH269 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Shanidar Cave, Natufian Culture, Sedentism

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A concentration of services and activities that dominates its hinterland in a constant state of productive dynamism. It is the physical center of an urbanized society. Cities are made up not simply of large populations but of large diverse populations that account for the economic and organizational diversity and interdependence that distinguishes this form of community from other settlement types. The organization of an entire urban society which includes the surrounding towns and villages in addition to the city. The organization of an entire urban society which includes the surrounding towns and villages in addition the the city and the processes whereby this type of organization occurred. It consists of hierarchically arranged levels displaying deferentially specialized functions within and between these levels so as to create a large degree of interdependence. Presence of full-time craft specialists: concentration of a surplus, monumental architecture, class structure, development of exact and predictive sciences, writing or recording system.