BISC300- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 211 pages long!)

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Describe major groups of microbes, their relationships and how these relationships are inferred. Describe the origins of life and evolution of cellular life. Identify and explain key points in the development of microbiology and its sub-fields. Ability to reproduce independently - cellular entities can do this! Eukaryotes: typically have highly differentiated membrane systems and a membrane enclosed nucleus. Prokaryotes: don"t have the same level of membrane differentiation or a membrane bound nucleus - it is in direct contact with the cytoplasm. Three domain system, based on a comparison of ribosomal rna genes, divides microorganisms into. Distinguished from bacteria by unique rrna gene sequences. Viruses smallest of all microbes requires host cell to replicate cause range of diseases, some cancers. Viroids and virusoids infectious agents composed of rna. Archaeon apex chert of australia - granular silica. Indirect evidence and scientific method used to study origins of life. Life on earth may be 3. 5 billion years old.