BISC306 Study Guide - Final Guide: Osmotic Pressure, Tonicity, Stenohaline

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Part of the extracellular fluid between cells in ordinary tissues. Osmotic pressure remains the same regardless of the osmotic pressure of the environment. The blood osmotic pressure equals the osmotic pressure of the environment. More solutes in the cell than outside. Vertebrates usually have blood that is hyperosmotic to the environment. Water and solutes are excreted in the same way. Humans maintain a stable blood-plasma osmotic pressure of 300mosm. Selectively conduct water molecules in and out of the cell while preventing passage of ions and other solutes. Any solutes that exerts a sufficiently large effect on the osmotic pressure of a body fluid. Play a critical role in maintaining cell volume and fluid balance. Water formed by a type of metabolism called catabolism. A vertebrate that maintains blood that is iso-osmotic to seawater. Marine teleost devote between 8 to 17% of resting metabolism to salt and water. 10% of the blood leaving the glomerulus goes to the medulla.