BUAD309 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bruce Tuckman, Informal Sector, Role Conflict

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Chapter case studies: pret a manger, general electric. Forming, storming, norming, and performing: bruce tuckman, added adjourning phase. Forming: the group comes together for the first time, members are typically polite and avoid conflict. Storming: focus less on keeping their guard up and become more authentic, discussions can become heated, sides and cliques form, groups can get stuck in this stage. Norming: become committed to each other and the group"s goal, big decisions are made. Performing: members are more interdependent, individuality and differences are respected, and group members feel themselves to be part of a greater entity, pay greater attention to how the work is done. Adjourning: may make a difference for future performance, after-action review, retrospective meeting, de-brief meeting help members discuss what went right and wrong. The punctuated-equilibrium model: connie gersick, evolution occurred in rapid, radical spurts also applies to organizational change. Fundamental factors affecting group cohesion: similarity, stability, size, support, satisfaction.