CGSC170 Study Guide - Final Guide: Motor Speech Disorders, Hemispatial Neglect, Visual Cortex

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Structure of the brain (cid:498)geography(cid:499: cortex divided into lobes. Occipital visual processing: hemispheres- connected by corpus callosum (bundle of fibers) Some cognitive functions are localized in one hemisphere or the other. Split brain research tells us where functions are localized most language function localized in left hemispheres (independent of modality: spoken/signed) Dorsal, ventral streams of information processing: visual system breaks down images into features, initial processing (primary visual cortex(cid:524), visual info splits into separate (cid:498)streams(cid:499) where each stream hands a certain type of feature. Cannot maintain visual mental representation of an object; don"t get. Can recognize features individually but not bind features together. Damage in r hemisphere, in r parietal lobe. Associative conceptual (can still perceive a whole) Can copy representations but cannot label or identify the object. A disconnect between the word that encodes the concept and the object it refers to (cid:498)higher level(cid:499) cognitive problem. Face perception: prosopagnosia: inability to recognize faces.